Neurology is the branch of medicine that specializes in the treatment of disorders of the nervous system. The nervous system consists of two parts: the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. It includes the brain and spinal cord.
Neurosurgery involves the diagnosis and surgical treatment of diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system, including congenital malformations, trauma, tumors, vascular disease, brain or spine infections, stroke, or spinal degenerative diseases. These surgeries involve many complications as they involve very sensitive and vital organs of the body.
Neurosurgery procedures are very important because they always involve the spine, brain and spinal cord, and peripheral nerves. This makes it important for surgeons to take extra precautions when dealing with these areas during surgery.
The main purpose is to protect the sterile field from infection, as the procedures to perform these operations can be quite lengthy. Therefore, it is important to find the right surgical drape for neurosurgery to ensure safety and efficiency.
Infection control is the ultimate goal of any surgeon performing surgery and requires specialized patient sheets to minimize the number of wound infections caused by the spread of bacteria post-operatively.
Neurosurgery procedures are often lengthy and require large amounts of blood and cleaning fluids. Having this fluid properly collected and paving the way for procedures that maintain a safe environment for healthcare workers is an advantage and will also reduce the risk of infection. In ophthalmology, neurosurgery, and other procedures involving the head and neck, the drape systems used must provide better fluid control and increased patient comfort.
Disposable neurosurgery drapes and kits are designed for maximum infection prevention in all types of surgery, including neurosurgery. Surgical drapes must also provide easy access to ensure a positive outcome.
They are designed to be highly impermeable, which means they are completely waterproof. These products are manufactured with advanced materials to provide safety and enhanced robustness.
The drape feature is made of special reinforcement materials that provide more strength and fluid control. All disposable drapes are easy to use and fully adjustable, allowing anyone to use them once and then discard them for maximum protection.
A neurosurgery pack includes everything needed to cover the patient, including a neurosurgery pack to place the incision foil on top of the fenestration and an integrated fluid collection bag.